Is Meat Bad for You?!
The Protein Debate
People are always worried about where they will get their next protein, and don’t get me wrong, protein is important. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and they do way more than just build more muscle.
Amino acids are important for creating joints, hormones, neurotransmitters, and much more. Without protein, we would literally be dead. Meats are a great way to get complete proteins, but they can also be a nutritional powerhouse.
Many people out there believe that meat is bad for you, and with so much conflicting information out there, I wanted to clear the air and help you select the best meat for you and your family!
Beyond Protein
We have 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce, and if you are eating meat, then you are probably getting enough of these amino acids. Many meats also have fat soluble vitamin A and D3 which are essential for eyesight, immune function, and hormone production.
Meats are often full of B complex and especially vitamin B12 which is essential for the function of our liver, cardiovascular system, and brains. Meats go way beyond just giving us protein for muscles.
The Hidden Dangers of Meat
The biggest problem with meat is that it is often loaded down with hidden toxins. This could be due to poor farming practices or it could simply be cross-contamination from proximity to a city. These ingredients will not be on the label.
Many types of toxins store in fat and bio-accumulate as they move up the food chain like dioxins and furans. Most of us have heard of BPA (polychlorinated bisphenol-a), but few of us have heard of polychlorinated dibenzo-furans and polychlorinated dioxins in soil, plants, and animals. (CITE)
This article from the EPA above, also talks about mercury being found in soil in rural America quite commonly. These toxins are fat soluble so they move up the food chain slowly over the years so large animals like cows can have more toxins than a small animal. The same goes for the size of the fish.
The Pollution Problem
These are toxins created as industrial waste in many developed countries. They are a by-product of chlorine gas used in industrial applications. Pasture raised meat does not have this problem because the feeding troughs made with treated wood and other chemical additives in feed lot farms.
These toxins store in fat and make their way up the food chain into the animals that we often eat. There are ways to remove these toxins from our bodies thankfully like NIR sauna.
Read our Full Article on Sauna here.
The Stuff You Can Control
Animals fed GM grains covered in glyphosate have a lower quantity of anti-inflammatory omega-3’s and a higher amounts of inflammatory omega-6’s. They also have a worse ability to fight off infectious diseases like Salmonella and Clostridium botulinum.
Animals treated with antibiotics also have a worse balance of fats in their bodies, and animals treated with hormones often carry residual xenoestrogens in their flesh. We are eating food that is making us weak, low energy, and complacent.
Making The Right Choice
The best choice for you, the planet, and your family is to buy meat that is grass-fed/pasture-raised. Its best that they are not treated with antibiotics, and hormones for your health and the health of the animal.
This ensures that not only do they have more nutrients, but they will also be free of the toxins that are poisoning your family and the planet. We are now seeing children with more exogenous hormones, than their own hormones so our choice is clear from here on out.
Who Do I Trust?
Our current favorite brands for quality and cost are U.S. Wellness Meats and Vital Choice. U.S. Wellness Meats specializes in grass-fed beef, but they also have venison, bison, organ meats, lamb, seafood, and more!
Vital Choice specializes in seafood and salmon from pristine fisheries, but they also have burgers, sausages, bone broth, and more. These two companies are my favorite because I personally agree with their standards and their mission.
Vote With Your Dollar
Many people believe that our votes don’t count when it comes to politics. The vote that always counts is the vote that you make with your dollar! These companies are beholden to their shareholders so if you stop buying their products, then they will change or go out of business.
Stop putting your money in the hands of businesses that you disagree with! If you don’t like the way a company works, then do not support it. The more we fund the solution, the more we also take money away from the problem.
What Do I Do Now?
Start being a part of the solution, and start buying your food from companies that you believe in for your family and the world. If you have more questions, then ask them below or check out our other articles about Bone Broth, Cooking with Bones, and Organ Meat.
You can also click on the images below to learn more about these great companies that we believe in. The links will take you to their websites where you can learn more about their businesses and even get their products sent right to your door.