Rebuilding the Brain, Building Bridges – Keynote Speech NORA 2014
In this segment from my keynote speech at the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association conference 2014, I briefly touch on mechanisms of plasticity and repairing neurons through a combination of synergistic therapy and brain building nutrition–including an analogy from my original blog post: Building Bridges – Regenerating Neuronal connections.
From the post:
“I think of building new pathways in the brain using an analogy of a bridge. In this analogy, doing therapy is like putting skilled workers to work to build a bridge. If you don’t include the right nutrients, it is like giving them a pack of toothpicks to build with…Conversely, eating nutrient dense, brain building nutrition, but doing little or no therapy is like having all the lumber that one would need to build a sturdy bridge, but only children to build it. Either way, a bridge, or new pathways within the brain, are not very well built in both scenarios. Both skilled workers (therapy) and the right building materials (nutrition) are necessary.”