Growth, Freedom, Ease, and Value
Disease is never healthy.
And… health is not the opposite of disease.
You can be in a state of disease BECAUSE you are struggling to be healthy… or wealthy… or right.
Dis-ease comes from the prefix Dis: lack, without, away from…
A lack of what?
A lack of Ease: comfort, tranquility, pleasure, wellbeing.
It is hard to live an awesome life in a state of dis-ease.
And it’s so easy when it’s easy.
Sometimes, life is made harder for humans in order to protect a reputation, a story, a nation, a government, a family name, a certain amount of money, an aesthetic, a norm, a tradition, a religion, etc.
In sociology, all of these can be called social constructs: things that people in society have agreed to give value.
Many people contribute to a state of disease by placing the value on these constructs above the value of human beings.
Not me!
I value your freedom.
I value your ease.
Freedom comes from the root “Pri” which means “to love.”
The evolution of this root has brought us “friends”: free members of one’s clan.
Viktor Frankl once said, “between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
For me, there is nothing more important than the freedom, ease, and growth of each and every living individual.
No aesthetic.
No religion.
No object.
No amount of money.
No family name.
No thing is more important to me than the freedom, ease, and life of human beings.
And any aesthetic…
Any religion…
Any object…
Any family name…
Any friendship, partnership, or any other relationship that values the construct over the freedom and the ease of the humans involved is contributing to dis-ease…
and dis-ease is never healthy.