Feed a Brain Media
One Page Description/Book Marketing
Do you have a podcast, show, or upcoming summit or webinar?
Book Cavin for an interview by sending an email to [email protected] or call or text me: 512-710-4840
My Skype handle is cavinb9
Want to book Cavin for a speaking engagement?
Email me at [email protected] and let’s schedule a chat.
Cavin Balaster Speaker Bio
Cavin Balaster is an author, speaker, and neurotrauma medical advocate. His work is informed by his experience, his knowledge, and a powerful network of practitioners and experts. Cavin is a severe traumatic brain injury survivor who was given less than a 10% chance of recovery beyond a persistent vegetative state. While he beat the odds and woke from a coma, he was unable to eat, walk or talk for months and his left hand was effectively unusable. Cavin employed various methods to restore his brain and he is now fully functional. He has dedicated his life to improving neurorehabilitation, hospital nutrition, and the general practice of medicine. Cavin works privately with clients, empowering patients, practitioners, and caregivers to go beyond the standard of care and to remove dependence on medicine. He is the creator of AdventuresinBrainInjury.com, FeedaBrain.com, host of the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast, and author of How to Feed a Brain: Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair.
Cavin Balaster’s Curriculum Vitae
Free Gifts:
- VIP access to a few select videos: legacy.feedabrain.com/vip
- 5 favorite supplements for supplying the brain with nutrients that are tricky to get in our food supply: legacy.feedabrain.com/supplementguide
- Guide to Fats and Oils: legacy.feedabrain.com/fatguide
- Four Essential Guides to Feed a Brain https://feedabrain.com/essentialguides
Before and After
Potential Podcast Topics/Titles:
– Lights, Coma, Action!: When The Brain Reinvents Itself
– How Survival Can Force Optimal Performance: Rising from The Fall
– Concussion Repair: Food as Medicine
– How to Feed a Brain: Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair
– From Coma to Back Flips: Optimal Recovery After Brain Injury
– Hospital Nutrition: A Patient-led Revolution
– The Power of The Mind: Thriving After Being Given a 10% Chance of Recovery
– Beyond Ketogenic: How to Feed a Brain
– Fixing a Broken Brain One Bite at a Time
Topics & Questions
– General
You have quite a story. Could you tell me what happened and how it motivated you to write the book?
– Resiliency
What was it like to have lost all of your abilities?
You have made a miraculous recovery. Can you talk about some of the differences you have seen in yourself as you recovered?
You close every email with this line “Strength and Serenity… Love and Light… Rock and Roll!” What does this mean to you?
– Hospital Nutrition
So your brain injury fueled your interest in the brain. Is this book just for people with brain injuries?
You said you were unable to eat for months. How were you receiving nutrition?
Why do you think nutrition made such a big difference in your recovery?
What if I have a loved one in the hospital and I don’t want them being fed corn syrup?
– Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair
How did you learn so much about nutrition and the brain?
So you learned everything you could to optimize your recovery. Can I use what you learned to improve my uninjured brain?
How does a Paleo or Keto Diet fit into the framework of How to Feed a Brain?
What is the number one nutritional thing I can do daily to help my brain function better?
Your book mentions that “the healthiest thing we can do for our brains, bodies, and souls is to enjoy our lives and to do so sustainably.” Could you explain what you mean by that and why is it important?
– Keto Talk
Ketosis is a hot topic lately, and you have a section devoted to this topic in the book, and I understand that Feed a Brain is very “fat forward” or “pro-fat.”
How is this regiment good for brain health?
Can you talk about the benefits and potential pitfalls of ketosis?
Do you measure your ketones regularly? If so, what do you use?
– Brain Based Therapies
I saw some pictures/videos of you doing flips. How often do you do that and why?
I know you attribute much of your rehabilitation to Neuro-Optometry as well as Functional Neurology. Where can we learn more about those practices?
Tell me why you chose to incorporate sauna therapy into your healing protocol.
-Wrap Questions
So where can people get the book?
We feed a brain in many ways (i.e. nutritionally, emotionally, spiritually)… What’s one or two things people can start doing right now to optimize their brain function and to upgrade their lives?
Clearly, you are very mission-driven. How would you state your current mission, where can people find you, and how can they support what you are doing?
Short Videos
Book Images
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1 Minute Book Description
In 2011, Cavin sustained a severe traumatic brain injury that left him comatose with less than a 10% chance of regaining consciousness beyond a vegetative state. He didn’t eat, walk, or talk for months as he worked through his brain fog to regain his abilities. It was after beginning a nutritional protocol that he began to regain clarity, which he used to research and connect with doctors, neuroscientists, professors, researchers, nutritionists, and other health practitioners who could help him to understand what he could do to optimize his brain function and to optimize his recovery.
How to Feed a Brain is the culmination of the nutritional tools that he has learned through this journey, presented as a user-friendly guide with charts and web resources created to help anyone improve their brain function.
Book Description
After sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury that left him comatose, Cavin was given less than a 10% chance of ever regaining consciousness beyond a persistent vegetative state. Surviving the initial injury, Cavin endured serious infections, breathing problems, and the need to induce a second coma. He eventually regained consciousness with significant memory loss, severe brain fog, incoordination of the left side of his body (his left hand was completely flexed inward), and he was unable to eat, walk, or talk for months.
Months passed, and at one point he was steered towards a nutritional protocol. As he implemented what he was shown, he began to regain clarity. He used this regained clarity to study everything he could to optimize his recovery. Taking numerous online courses from excellent universities, he began to study digestion, metabolism, neurometabolism, mechanisms of neuroplasticity, neuroscience, physiology, and nutrition. While doing so, he also reached out to doctors, neuroscientists, professors, researchers, nutritionists, and other health practitioners who could help him to understand what he could do to optimize his brain function and to maximize his recovery. He was studying like his life depended on it… because it did.
Today, you would never know that Cavin ever sustained the injury that he did. He drives, rides motorcycles, camps, plays guitar, sings, practices martial arts, and even does backflips off of diving boards! He has been a keynote speaker for several nationally recognized organizations and he is a brain health coach who helps people to optimize their brain function and to bring about the best possible outcome for survivors of brain injury, brain disease, and neurodegeneration.
With How to Feed a Brain, Cavin has put together a user-friendly guide with charts and web resources created to help anyone improve their brain function. This book is the culmination of the nutritional tools that he has learned through this journey, but this is not your standard diet book. How to Feed a Brain is about learning how nutrition affects our unique physiology, how those reactions affect the brain, and what we can eat to support our brain function. The book includes downloads to ready to print charts, lists, and user-friendly handouts to take to the grocery store or put on the fridge so that readers can easily apply what they learn to optimally feed their brains. As Cavin says, “the healthiest thing we can do for our brains, bodies, and souls is to enjoy our lives and to do so sustainably.” How to Feed a Brain provides the nutritional tools to do so.
Feed a Brain Landing Page
Feed a Brain Social Media: @feedabrain
The Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast (Hosted by Cavin Balaster)
Presentation Titles and Descriptions and Speaker Bio
Speaker Bio
Since his severe traumatic brain injury in 2011, Cavin has been studying neuro-rehabilitation like his life depended on it… because it did. After waking from his second coma over several weeks, Cavin found himself unable to eat, walk, or talk for months. Some of the doctors began to tell his family to “get used to their ‘new normal.” He has never been interested in that disempowering narrative.
In learning and implementing principles of neurology, physiology, nutrition, and medical law, he has had a very successful recovery. He has since created a podcast, two websites, and published his first book, How To Feed a Brain: Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair.
Cavin is now partnering with survivors and loved ones so that they have the best opportunity to recover. Using his experience, knowledge, and connections to support others with neurological injuries, he is influencing the standard model of neurorehabilitation, like he has set out to do since his very first blog entry.
You can learn more about Cavin at
the Adventures in Brain Injury Podcast and…
How To Feed a Brain: Nutrition for Optimal Brain Function and Repair
Our nutrition is so important for the function of our brains… our cognition, memory, balance, vision, immunity and everything else. Did you know that over a quarter of the calories in the food we eat is consumed by our brain?
Cavin has put together a powerful presentation with plenty of resources to help anyone improve their brain function. In this presentation, you will learn how nutrition affects your unique physiology, how those reactions affect the brain, and how you can eat to support brain function. You will also get downloads to ready to print charts, lists, and user-friendly nutritional guides to take to the grocery store or put on the fridge so that you can easily apply what you learn to optimally feed your’s and your loved one’s brains, bodies, and souls.