Are You Ready to Learn How To Feed a Brain?!?!
First: Download your free guides so you will know how to start feeding your brain today:
You’ll Get the Sulfur & Greens and the Vibrant Brain Colors handouts:
I’m sure all of you are more than familiar with a ketogenic diet, but you are probably wondering what makes the Feed a Brain system so different and unique? First of all, digestive health is the most important precursor to overall health. Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, once said after years of research that “All disease begins in the gut.” The opposite is also true! All health also begins in the gut. Instead of giving you a list of all the things not to eat, we wanted to give you a comprehensive list of all the best things to start eating today so you can start reaping the benefits of the Feed a Brain system. Download those handouts so you have the cheat sheets to help you get started today, and the rest of this article will tell you why these ingredients are so amazing for your health.
For years after my TBI, I have been working for a functional nutritionists and my team and I have years of experience and knowledge of nutrition that comes from working with the top doctors, functional neurologists, and functional medicine practitioners in the country. We have also are working very closely with Dr. Terry Wahls M.D. in the creation of Feed a Brain. If you are not familiar with Dr. Wahls, she became confined to a reclining wheelchair because she was debilitated from the neurological disease called multiple sclerosis (MS). She created a nutritional protocol that has helped her regain her mobility and her life. She just recently completed an 18-mile bike ride whereas before she was stuck in a wheelchair getting progressively worse. She now travels the world and teaches her protocols to thousands of self-proclaimed “Wahls Warriors” who are getting amazing results for their conditions. Feed a Brain is specifically tailored to help you achieve optimal brain health whether you have a brain injury, or just want some extra focus and clarity in your life.
Get the Guide to Fats and Oils and the Brain Supportive Macronutrient Ratios handouts.
Our methods are not just anecdotal. They are based on cutting edge neuroscience, and the top doctors in the field agree.The Feed a Brain system is based on science and years of clinical studies. Most ketogenic diets focus principally on our macronutrient ratios. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While there are amazing benefits of a ketogenic diet based simply on the ratios of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, this methodology did not go far enough in the extent of creating a truly therapeutic nutritional protocol. Not only do we focus on getting an adequate amount of our vital micronutrients like vitamin C, but we also have a special focus of getting the most potent phytonutrients. Modern science is just starting to understand the amazing benefits of these brightly colored antioxidants found in all kinds of foods.
First of all, what is a micronutrient? The precise definition of a micronutrient is “a chemical element or substance required in trace amounts for the normal growth and development of living organisms”. Some examples of these well known and well reasearched substances are nutrients vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, and many others. It is common knowledge that vitamin C can boost your immune function, and help you get over ailments like the common cold. Did you know that vitamin C is also an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and that it may even help prevent cancer? These kinds of nutrients are vitally important, and we know this because there is an RDI or recommended daily intake. The reason this exists is because if you don’t get enough of say vitamin A, then you will start to go blind which is a serious problem in countries where food is scarce. The same is true with pretty much all micronutrients. If you do not get enough of them, then you will get sick. This is what we mean by a “therapeutic nutritional protocol”. Feed a Brain aims to give the body every nutrient we need to grow, repair, and develop throughout our lives.
So what is a phytonutrient? Well nutrient is simply substance that benefits our body’s growth and development, and “phyto-” simply means “plant”. These nutrients are not required for health like micronutrients, however, clinical research has begun to show that these antioxidants and pigments that come from plants have numerous health effects that greatly benefit our bodies and brains. For example, turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of the plant known as Curcuma longa. It is what makes curry and mustard bright yellow. The pigment that gives turmeric its yellow-orange pigment is called curcumin. Curcumin has been shown to destroy cancer cells, and it has beneficial effects on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In fact, the National Institute of Health has done over 1,300 studies on just this one plant! The pigments in blueberries, purple potatoes, and red cabbage are called anthocyanins. These pigments have antioxidant effects, and they are anti-angiogenic which simply put means that they cut off the blood supply to tumors and cancer causing them to shrink and eventually disappear. To quote Hippocrates again:
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
Simply print out our guides, and hang them in the kitchen or wherever you prepare your food. This way you will always know what to eat to keep your brain and body functioning optimally. If you want more info on why to eat each specific food or category of food, get the “How to Feed a Brain” on Amazon and learn how exactly these nutritional powerhouses fuel your brain and body.
Get the Brain Building Supplements Handout
We have even gone a step further by giving you a list of our favorite supplements that have been shown in clinical studies to aid metabolism, reduce inflammation, increase focus, and even to enhance memory, problem-solving abilities, and mood.
Exogenous Ketones
Also if you are new to a ketogenic diet, then you may experience what some people call the “keto flu”. This is the transitional phase where your body is still getting used to digesting fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. These symptoms come about for two main reasons. The first is that your body will excrete more water and electrolytes than usual when your insulin levels go down. The way to fix this is to drink more water and eat more salt. The other cause is not having enough calories converted over from fat into ketones. When our liver processes fat into energy, ketones are what the fat is converted into and what our cells use for fuel instead of glucose. To make this transition way easier, we can take exogenous ketones. These are simply ketones that are already in a form that our cells can utilize for energy. These are in the form of ketone salts that come in a powdered form that is easy to mix with water and drink like an electrolyte drink. We love this so much because it gives you more water, more electrolytes, and ketones all in one easy move! Just add water, shake, and enjoy. Our favorite brand of exogenous (exogenous means “made outside the body”) ketones can be found at the link below if you want to learn more.
Download your free guides so you will know how to start feeding your brain today:
- Sulfur & Greens for Micronutrient Brain Power
- Vibrant Brain Colors for Antioxidants
- Brain Healthy Guide to Fats and Oils
- Brain Supportive Macronutrient Ratios
- Brain Building Supplements