I would like to share with you some astounding facts and research I have learned as it relates to mold, the prevalence of mold in our society and how mold really affects the immune system and can make people sick. When I talk with people, I notice how many of them don’t even realize the impact of mold in their lives and, and the backlash in their health.
Lethargy, energy levels, forgetfulness, there are so many things, as well as respiratory issues, that can be as a result of mold toxicity, and other items that you would never think of.
What you might not know is that when you diffuse certain essential oils, like a certain blend of essential oils, it digests the mold particles in the air and on surface areas.
As an experiment, they took a room, and covered it in black mold, and dry diffused, meaning without water, just oil, the fusion, a blend of essential oils that digested the black mold and eradicated the black mold from the environment.
It is important to remember, that not all oils are created equal, like most things. Like many misleading health products or products on the market today, marketers can be misleading. You’ve got certain kind of bio availability, and even diluted oils versus the purest forms of oil.
Research suggests that the benefits are compounding and even beneficial to the environment, as well as, the individuals in the home.
The issue with many mold chemical compounds and treatments are that, not only do they kill the mold elements, but the chemicals and treatments leave toxins in your environment. However, there are added benefits to using dry diffusion and oils. Pure high-quality oils have been proven to increase your immune system, helping you recover from the mold that you have previously been exposed to.
When you incorporate pure solid essential oils, you are also supporting the human organism and the body’s ability to detoxify. So, it’s supportive on all level and, completely natural. Remember, all essential oils are not created equal. Many essential oils actually have different things in them that are not therapeutic at all.
Here is how you can tell the potency of an oil. First and the most obvious is the cost. When you see a bottle of oil $10, for 1/2 ounce on the shelf, you can be sure that that’s not pure essential oil. It is likely a blend, including other mixtures, possibly even synthetic fragrances.
Just a little FYI on the ingredient labeled fragrance, so the you know how manufacturers can sneak things in that you might think are all natural, or even ok for you, but are NOT! The FDA offers manufacturers massive loopholes in the system. One of them is via the label item “fragrance”.
If you find the keyword fragrance, it can be anything and they can shove a bunch of toxic junk under that one item without telling you. That one ingredient label alone can have 1000s of ingredients under that one word, so that one word could mean up to 1000s of different ingredients that are likely synthetic and can be neurotoxic.
The system of incorporating oils as natural remedies and medicinal purposes has been around since beginning of time, long before pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers. It is one of the oldest forms of medicine used in both Chinese and Ayurveda among others. If you travel back in any historical era, in any, religion, race or culture, the initial ways that they actually incorporated health and wellness when people were sick was with alchemy, the use of oils, spices and foods.
So, it’s not a shocker that research has shown pure oils to be a successful solution and resolution to so many things. The human race, has just moved further away from our ancestors’ natural remedies.
I mean, it’s not like all of a sudden, we’re coming across and stumbling on brand new research or information. Even Hippocrates, who is considered to be the founder of western medicine, was privy to oils and food being thy medicine. He is quoted in saying, “let they food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. If he is the father of western medicine than why does the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) not preach or teach that? ($$$$$$$$$$…that’s why!)
Watch the Mold and Thieves video to discover more and learn the beginnings of the Thieves oil blend the purest forms of oil on the market today and non-toxic cleaning products or click on the link below to purchase these powerful immune strengthening and cleansing products.
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