My Story:
When I emerged from a minimally conscious state, weeks after a severe traumatic brain injury left me in a coma with less than a 10% chance of ever recovering, I found myself unable to eat, walk, or talk for months.
As my damaged brain learned where I was and what happened, all I wanted was my life back… or at least I wanted the ability to live a fulfilling life. But I was in a wheelchair, breathing and eating through tubes, and my left hand was completely unusable and flexed inward.
Emergency medicine had saved my life… but I wasn’t sure I wanted to be alive to suffer an existence without my abilities. I feared that I would never be able to accomplish my dreams after such a devastating injury and I didn’t want to be a burden on my family and friends. I felt broken and hopeless. There was a time that I wished that I hadn’t woken to this existence.
Luckily, my friends and family would encourage me and I decided that I would recover for them. After almost a 6 month hospitalization involving surgeries, tube placements and removals, and a whole lot of therapy, I was discharged from the hospital and I moved in with my mother while I recovered.
My Struggle:
I was alive, but I had lost everything! I was to continue therapy, but I hit a wall. I wasn’t progressing much anymore and I feared I never would.
After months in the hospital of being fed liquid nutrition with vegetable oil, corn syrup solids, and soy protein isolate, I was steered towards a nutritional protocol. I was skeptical that it would do anything and I asked a lot of questions. The damage was to my brain, not my belly. Why are we working on my digestion?” I thought.
But my functional neurologist had studied and successfully worked with other brain injury survivors, so I did what he said… even if it didn’t make sense at first. I vowed that if I didn’t get better, it wouldn’t be because I didn’t try. I was not going to allow myself to look back on what I was told was a relatively short period of “rapid recovery” with regrets…
My Transformation:
So I took some foods out of my diet… I added other foods, supplements, liquids, and powders into my diet… and I started doing vision and vestibular exercises that were absolutely exhausting and seemed ridiculous to me at the time.
And then something amazing happened… one day I woke up with a noticeable degree of mental clarity! And I suspected that it had a lot to do with the food I was eating.
“Wow!” I thought, “this nutrition and supplement protocol is actually making a real difference!”
So why didn’t they tell me this in the hospital? And what else didn’t they tell me?”
I realized that the doctors don’t have all the answers like I had been told and I needed a plan.
So I used my new found clarity to study everything I could to give myself the best edge to recover. I empowered myself. I started a blog called Adventures in Brain Injury where I documented my recovery. While writing this blog, I was also in therapy and relearning how to walk, talk and use my hand, and while at home, I was using the Internet to educate myself on functional medicine, functional nutrition, and naturopathic medicine.
I was using my brain to heal my brain!
I spent hours a day watching videos, listening to podcasts, reading articles, learning how to read peer reviewed medical research, and I even enrolled in online courses from universities renowned for their excellence in medical education and research.
I began taking courses in neurology, nutrition, physiology, digestion, and more from universities like Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the University of Chicago, CalTech, and Duke University.
I was studying because I wanted to become a doctor… and I was so fortunate to see that my damaged brain could do it!
My Revelation:
As I studied, I noticed a huge discrepancy between what I was reading in the research and what I was learning from the universities. I was also learning from clinicians who were getting real results with their patients and sometimes these clinicians were doing the opposite of what was being taught at the universities… particularly when it came to nutrition. And what these clinicians were doing was working very well! And… I had also felt and saw firsthand that there was crucial utility to natural foods, therapies, and treatments that are not part of the standard of care in medicine.
How is it that nutrition, a crucial piece of the puzzle, is not only inaccurate in our education system, but also inaccurate in our healthcare system?
While I was completely perplexed at the time, the bottom line was that I needed to recover… I needed real world results… not academic consensus. So I created a framework for how I was going to choose my treatments in order to optimize my recovery potential.
By using this framework and empowering and educating myself, I began to regain my abilities at an accelerated rate! I was soon able to walk without a walker and began taking long walks in my neighborhood. I also began to regain my ability to type and I even started to play guitar again! I was also getting my voice back and taking it to the next level by learning how to sing.
“If I shoot for the moon and I miss,” I thought, “I’ll still end up amongst the stars!”
My brain and body have since learned how to hike, run, roll, and even do backflips off of a diving board again… and I continue to learn and to push myself!
Becoming as Practitioner:
I wanted to learn everything I could to empower my recovery, so I began to attend, and even to speak for medical conferences. After giving a keynote presentation at a medical conference, I entered into conversation with a brilliant doctor who I admired. I told him that I had aspirations to become a doctor like him and he looked at me very seriously and said “I don’t think you should become a doctor.” I was again perplexed. “Why not?” I asked. He put his arm around my shoulders and pointed at the audience who had just seen me speak and he said “You are more powerful without the credentials.”
I didn’t quite understand, but I do now. You see, I had wondered how all of these crucial pieces of the puzzle were missing from our healthcare system, and I had thought it was because they didn’t know yet. After countless conversations with doctors of many different specialties, I learned that in today’s medical landscape, conventional doctors find themselves constrained by a system that prioritizes adherence to standardized protocols which are often influenced by an industry that I have seen consistently place profits over people. The unfortunate reality is that their hands are often tied, as suggesting deviations from the established “standard of care” can jeopardize their careers and expose them to the risk of medical malpractice lawsuits. This limitation drastically restricts the breadth of treatment options available within conventional medicine, hindering the journey to healing and disease prevention.
The Need for a New Paradigm:
This is where I saw a gap in medicine, specifically in NeuroRehab that I could fill, and that credentials could actually prevent me from doing. So I studied functional nutrition and began working for Andrea Nakayama and the Functional Nutrition Alliance. I ended up working for them and eventually working with clients to help them navigate through the medical model and soon Feed a Brain was born. We are on a mission to empower patients and practitioners with a food-as-medicine approach. Our goal is to create what Dr. Venu Julapalli calls Health 3.0: where both practitioners and patients are empowered with the knowledge and resources they need to recover.
Health 1.0 is where the doctor is all powerful, and has a “magic bullet” for every ailment. This was a very effective system 100 years ago, when the most common ailments were acute infections or other emergencies. As our lifestyles and food system changed over the years, we entered a new era of chronic conditions caused by lifestyle largely because Medicine 1.0 made us live longer.
Health 2.0 is the era of the empowered patient. Armed with the internet and massive online medical libraries, patients could find all sorts of knowledge and alternative therapies.
Health 3.0 is when both practitioners and patients are empowered with the knowledge of how to create lasting wellness and health-span.
I have so much appreciation and respect for emergency medicine, the practitioners who are devoted to the mastery of their craft, and the drugs and surgeries that literally saved my life. I would be dead without them, and I now love my life! Conventional medicine shines when it comes to saving lives. Unfortunately, conventional medicine very much falls short in creating wellness.
My Mission:
At Feed a Brain, we champion Health 3.0—a paradigm where both the patient and the practitioner are empowered to work collaboratively towards a common goal: optimal health. In this model, we recognize that each individual is unique, and healing requires a personalized approach that integrates the latest scientific insights with the patient’s goals and preferences.
Our team of Functional Nutritionists excel at teaching clients empowerment tools, fostering collaboration in care, and working seamlessly with other healthcare professionals
to create a therapeutic partnership aimed at optimizing recovery potential. We understand that true healing goes beyond symptom management; it involves addressing the root causes of dysfunction and empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being.
Feed a Brain is here to distill the vast oceans of scientific data into action steps you can start implementing today to get your brain back. We share the nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments to create wellness because medical doctors are not allowed to.
We’ve helped tens of thousands of patients and practitioners learn how to feed a brain so everyone has the best chance to bounce back from their injuries. We’re on a journey to empower a billion brains. Join the functional nutrition revolution and start feeding your brain to optimize your mind! Apply for a discovery call today to see what aspect of Feed a Brain would be a good fit for your healing journey.
Click here to apply for a discovery call!