Biotics Research Beta-Plus™
Food must be broken down into its component parts in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Though salivary secretions, chewing, gastric acid, and pepsin begin the process of digestion, the majority of digestion takes place farther down the gastrointestinal tract in the small intestine. Once food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine, digestive enzymes begin the monumental task of turning it into the building blocks and fuel that the body needs for structural support and metabolic processes. Digestive enzymes are produced primarily in the pancreas and brush border of the small intestine, and the health and function of these organs is vital to effective digestion and absorption. Proteolytic enzymes, amylases, and lipases are responsible for the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The complete digestion of these macronutrients produces small peptides, amino acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides, and free fatty acids that can easily pass through the intestinal microvilli and enter the bloodstream. Healthy digestion assures that incompletely digested molecules and proteins don’t enter the bloodstream where they may be recognized as “foreign” by a vigilant immune system.*
Bile absolutely essential to process fats and digest food properly. Common symptoms associated with biliary dysfunction are stools of an unusual color (often lighter like clay), nausea or vomiting, excess bloating or flatulence, and shaking with chills.
Beta Plus™ is a source of bile salts, digestive enzymes and organic beet concentrate, along with SOD and catalase.
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